Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Atomic Bomb (World War 2)

#1) An Atomic Bomb was tested in New Mexico on July 16, 1944 in Los Alamos. This was a Plutonium atom. When the "Enola Gay" B9 Bomber airplane dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, the crew inside the plane didn't know if the bomb would work. This is because it was a Uranium Atom that they dropped. But once the flash of light lit and the crackling sound was heard, they knew it had been successful. When they looked back, the whole city was filled with dust and smoke. This Bomb is what actually ended World War 2. Dropping the Bomb was a huge decision to be made. This Bomb actually saved lives, even though many don't see it that way. There would have been more lives lost on a one to one actual war with the Japanese. This Bomb did destroy lives, but saved many many more.

In my Opinion, then invention of the Atomic Bomb marks a big difference in History. I think it was right to drop the bomb. The Japenese came and apologized to the US after being bombarded twice. If the bombs weren't dropped, then it would be the cost of more lives because of a full fledged scale battle. Airplanes, Ships, Poison Gas, missles, guns...would result in more casualties to both sides. Although the Bomb still killed many thousands, in the end it was a good way to minimize death and increase alliance.

#2) What we did in class today on 4/25/11 revolved around a topic that was similar to mine. The Atomic Bomb.
Harry S. Truman had some choice in it, but also some part of it was his military advisors decision to drop the Atomic Bomb.
There were 3 Options
1) was for  Japan to surrender, they would do it in an honorable way, Japan already met with the Soviets for a negotiation for a surrender to their country
   the Japanese do not want their Emperor Herahito  to be assassinated. This is because the Japanese want to continue maintaining the Emperors as a national symbolic figurehead to promote stability in postwar Japan.   (Handout)

2) One other option is to show the power and the devastation of the Atomic Bomb to Japan. The Bomb was actually built for Germany in case things get worse. By showing  this power to Japan, would they still surrender? I dont think they would still surrender, they are the people who would kill others before they themselves are killed. They would die honorably and for their country! Would they do an unconstitutional surrender if they had to? I dont think so either, because they want to also be able to control their militatry, trade own country. When the example of the Atomic Bomb is shown on a deserted island and japan still refuses to surrender...then the bomb would be dropped without hesitation. Then again, they have to use that $2 billion wisely ----is it worth it for millions of people. Then again, what would have happened if the Bomb wasnt dropped on them...would there have been WW3 ? It is quite a complicated question...Truman had to make a descison best for both sides...this leads to Option 3

3)  By Harry S Trumans will, he chose to drop the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima. Even though Japan saw this power and destruction, they still choose not to surrender ( Japanese-- strong will ). Then another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, and they were forced to surrender. They surrender on battle ship Missouri. The US also wanted the unconstitutional surrender. I think that is one good way to lead to peace, so the Japanese wont turn against or fight other countries. Their army is relied on the US. I think this was the best idea because this would end the war quickly....sure many lives were lost in the Atomic Blast, but that showed that neither both sides could fight anymore.. if the bomb wasnt dropped.. then there would be a major life lost between both countries because they would use Ships, Tanks, B2 Bombers/ Airplanes, poison gas, take away food, guns, knives, people in close combat. Alot more lives would be lost this way. This also showed another country that can meet up with US that thy were powerful. It was USSR...the atomic bomb would show the strength and a warning to watch out. This atomic bomb gave other countries ideas and discovered secrets on developing Atomic / Nuclear weapons. Now the humans have enough of that to annihilate the planet!  We do not want Nuclear Warfare....countries have developed it just in case...If there was Nuclear war.... the planet would be wiped out!
However, we are at a somewhat stable peace state...this is bacause of the descision to drop the bomb. It has created peace and that bomb has marked history of Mankind

I have also been thinking,            How Can True Peace Be Established?

Everywhere we turn around--- there is fighting/ politics govt issues in other countries-----there has to be a way that would revive the world to WORLD PEACE?  That question still boggles my mind.
I have also think of one thing.........Martin Luther Kings Quote

" Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that
  Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that"

That is one step in creating peace.....
One country may have love for another country, but when a country argues within would arise arguments within that country and it would create further problems

" A house divided within itself cannot stand" - Abraham Lincoln

 .... there has to be a place where everything  is set to scale and everything is balanced             like no racism, rich, poor or either of these economic issues

just balanced...  ( Handout)

#3) Information on the Little boy Atomic Bomb

this was the code name for the atomic bomb to be dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
This was the first atomic bomb to be used as a weapon. This bomb was developed by the Manhattan Project at the time of World War 2.
Its power was the nuclear fission of a uranimum 235 atom. This bomb exploded with the energy between 13 and 18 kilotons of TNT!!! That is really powerful. The people in blast area, they were dissintegrated from the radiation. The radiation was to powerful for the human to handle, and people dissintegrated as if they were never there. This little boy atomic bomb was the first to be dropped on human life. This showed the power, and this showed the Japanese.
What I think is that, nuclear warfare is a fighting style on a whole new different level. It totally takes away the past weapons such as tanks, guns, poison gas, submarines and planes. The fighting style now would just demolish, pulverize and obliterate many useful areas.

#4) Manhattan Project

From 1942 - 1946, this project was under the control/ command of  Major Gen. Leslie R. Groves Junior of the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt got a letter from Albert Einstein in 1930 warning that the Nazis, Germans might make a nuclear weapon. Then the Manhattan Project was born. There was reasearches in Universities and Labs. 130,00 is the estimate of how many people/ scientists worked on this. The money spent in this was $2 billion. Reaserch took place at many areas. One was the plutonium production facility at the Hanford Site in the east side of the state of Washington. Another one was a uranium enrichment facility in Oak Ridge, Tennesee. There was also one in Los Alamos in New Mexico.
What I think of this is that a new generation is coming and devoloping at this time. The times would be changed to Nuclear weapons instead of the ordinary. Right now the US has over a 100 nuclear power plants!

#5)  Trinity Nuclear test

   this name " Trinity" was actually a code name of the 1st Nuclear weapons test. The test was led by the US Army on July 16, 1945.... about a month before the actual drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  This test took placce in the Jornada Del Muerto desert which is roughly 35 miles southeast of Soccoro New Mexico.
In my Opinion, the trinity test site was a place to test it. But did they realize that this impact is so great, that it will cost so many lives. There was a test for a reason. Will it detonate? It did. This atomic bomb changed alot of peoples minds and the way they look at things now than they have in the past...,r:1,s:0&tx=83&ty=60,r:0,s:0